martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Translator Task 9

Are you prepared  to start the countdown of the learnt 5 concepts this week?
Great! I love your energy and interest you show towards this post,let's start:

5.Schools that learn: that's means that in schools not only the students learn but all the agents that are implicated in the school: teacher, directors,administrators, organizations,the ones who are responsible of creating a good enviroment on school... All of them learn from their experiences and from sharing with others in order to carry out innovative and creative projects which are efficient to improve the working of the whole school.

4.Horizotal organization: it is like how primary school is organized, where all the teachers work together in order to adapt the curricular content to students, they are organized by a cycle where the teachers can follow up the students.

3.Emerging knowledge through connections:I will explain you that according to my experience as a member of the juncharees group.From the first day till now i feel that i am more connected to my "group,classroom,teacher,my school,my family..." and at the same time i feel that i know more than the first day i come to class.So, it is just a coincidence? i don't think so, but i am pretty sure that the knowledge i adquired it comes through connections i had during those weeks.

2.Connection with peers:it is just an amazing concept!, i think that being connected to my peers it is crucial for us as social beings.As i said before is how knowledge emerges, but apart from that it gives a feeling that you are not only the one who had problems but all of humans have these difficult situation.when you get on well with your peers you feel that everything is possible together but not divided.

1.teacheR-Student connection: i think it is the most important one if the students are connected with teacher, the teacher himself can make the students to connect with their peers, with his subject, with their enviroment...the teacher is the cradle of motivation, stimulation.. towards seeking knowledge.

Thank you so much for keeping reading aur blog!

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