martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Analyst Task 9

Hi everyone! I'm Sofía and I'm the analyst of this task.

This task consisted on doing a poster with a connection map, which explained the connection between schools that learn. For me, it was the most diffucult task because, in spite of being the texts in spanish, it was so difficult for me to understand them. I really found it very difficult, and it take me a lot of time to summarise all the information. My partners, also, thought the same as me, and they confirm that it was a diffucult work. The worst moment of this work was when we had to read all the documents with the purpose of obtaining information to do the mind map. It was so so hard for us, we have to read each one almost twice and it was so tired to do that. Anyway, when at least we summarized the documents and we had the information to do the work, it was not as difficult to do the poster.

Curator Task 9

Hii! I am the curator of this week and you have here the popplet with all our links of our ressources we used.I hope it would be useful!
click here!

Star Task 9

TASK 9: STARS WORK (star 1 & star 2 together)
Star 1: Juan Fran
Well, this has been the last work of the subject, and we have represented it like the first time; the eight groups put their posters in the wall of the class, with all the chairs and tables in the middle of the class, and the stars (in this task were two, Ania and Juan Fran) were explaining the work to each group that were changing each 5 minutes of explanation of the group before. 
The good thing of this work has been the cooperation of the work due to a brainstorming that made us to have a lot of confusions to put the information in common.
By other side, a bad thing could be that this work has been very difficult in order to put all the information in common, but finally, with work and effort, we have done a good task.
This has been a new experience for me (Juan Fran) due to I have been star in other work but this type of work has been new for me. By other side, Ania repeated the work because she was the star of task 1, but she also says that the experience of represent alone is completely different to work with other groupmate. Now we are going to show you the outline that we have followed to explain our work.
The instructions that the star 1 has followed are the next:
First, I have to say that I have used an outline, not a complete dialogue. A little summarazing:
At first, a little presentation about the group and the work.
Secondly, the main center of all this work, the school. I talked about the two different perspectives from Maria Teresa & Antonio Bolívar.
After that, a concept that rounded the school, that was "emerging knowledge through connections". I explained the different parts that it had and the relationships among the school and this concept.
That was all of me, so Ania started with her part. 

Star 2: Ania’s part
Task: schools that learn.
Hi! This is Ania and I’m one of the two stars of this task.
In this task being the star for our group was a big opportunity to demonstrate our big evolution and so we did it, or at least we tried the best we could.
I must say that at the beginning of working on this task we were confused as it in the first quarter of hour we were wondering how the connections could be and how were we going to relation them. But after putting in common our ideas about the concepts everything started to go much easily. After it my classmate, the other star, Juanfran, and I started to practice the exposition and made sure that we had everything clear and set in order.
At the exposition day we started to share our ideas with other groups from the class, we all still confused as each group did it a bit subjective the connections and the map connection.
Juanfran and I weren’t that nervous and even if we had a little mistake we could correct it quickly and continue with our exposition. I think that with these activities and the roles of star we have all gained some more self-confidence.

As schools are part from the “emerging knowledge through connections”, they are also part from the “diversity & redundancy”, this is about the different ideas people can have about one concept, and the process of redundancy when new ideas appear and the older ones in some way “die”, an example would be the idea of TICS nowadays and the idea of it ten years ago. Schools also belong to the point of the “balancing randomness and deterministic order” this means that all the unexpected events affect everything and of course to schools and education too.

Everything it has a relationship and influence between each other, and all this consists the Context Complex System.

Journalist Task 9

Hiii, it's Elena from the Juncharees, the journalist of this week!

Task 9 was the last task in this course of School organization and educational resources. We knew we had to work very very very hard not only because it was the last task but also because it was nearly the most difficult. We spent two afternoons an one morning organizing our blog (because being honest, it is a disaster) and preparing this task.

We tried to do it the best. We discussed a lot about how make the mind map, how was the best way to link every purpose in each text... 

We also design a different mind map, not the typical with arrows. Although Linda didn't like it a lot because it hasn't all the information, our intention was to create a visual mind map.

Facilitator Task 9


This is Ania and I will be facilitator of this last task.
During all these weeks we have learned and lot both of knowledge, organization between the members of the group and the activities. In this task it wasn’t less, and even it was much more, we had to remember the knowledge learnt at the complexity theory and relationships task and put it in practice, linking all the concepts and explaining what these were about during the Speed Learning.
In this last week of working on tasks, we started as all Mondays we received the explanation of the activity from the teacher, and distribute the roles. Next day we met all the members of the group and rent a cabin, and then we started working on the activity.

At the beginning of working on the activity we were a bit confused because we didn’t know very well how to relation the concepts. But after remembering the main terms of the concepts we realised that each concept was related with each other and moreover with the school, then we could start creating the connections, and also adding the most relevant concepts we have read and understood from the documents:

Bolívar Botía, A. (2001). Los centros educativos como organizaciones que aprenden: una mirada crítica. Contexto educativo: Revista Digital de Educación y nuevas tecnologías. Año III. Núm, 18.

González, M. T. G. (2003). Estructuras para el trabajo y la coordinación de los profesores en los centros. En Gonzalez, M.T., Portela, A. & Nieto, J.M. (Coords.) Organización y gestión de centros escolares: dimensiones y procesos (pp. 57-74). Pearson Educación.

Once we had everything clear and settled in a draft copy, we created the connection map, and after practising the exposition my classmate Juanfran and I we were prepared for the next exposition.
On Wednesday we felt confident and not too nervous as at the beginning of being stars, we enjoyed it as doing it together we felt it was more flexible.

Finally I would like to say on behalf of all that we have enjoyed doing the activities, as they have been really dynamic, entertained and efficient, and we also think that this new and refreshing method we have never seen before and set in practice it is really useful to learn and enjoy learning, and we would like to put it in practice some day when we became real teachers!

And I would like to thank to my group for all the hard work, patience and commitment they have and have had with me. 

Translator Task 9

Are you prepared  to start the countdown of the learnt 5 concepts this week?
Great! I love your energy and interest you show towards this post,let's start:

5.Schools that learn: that's means that in schools not only the students learn but all the agents that are implicated in the school: teacher, directors,administrators, organizations,the ones who are responsible of creating a good enviroment on school... All of them learn from their experiences and from sharing with others in order to carry out innovative and creative projects which are efficient to improve the working of the whole school.

4.Horizotal organization: it is like how primary school is organized, where all the teachers work together in order to adapt the curricular content to students, they are organized by a cycle where the teachers can follow up the students.

3.Emerging knowledge through connections:I will explain you that according to my experience as a member of the juncharees group.From the first day till now i feel that i am more connected to my "group,classroom,teacher,my school,my family..." and at the same time i feel that i know more than the first day i come to class.So, it is just a coincidence? i don't think so, but i am pretty sure that the knowledge i adquired it comes through connections i had during those weeks.

2.Connection with peers:it is just an amazing concept!, i think that being connected to my peers it is crucial for us as social beings.As i said before is how knowledge emerges, but apart from that it gives a feeling that you are not only the one who had problems but all of humans have these difficult situation.when you get on well with your peers you feel that everything is possible together but not divided.

1.teacheR-Student connection: i think it is the most important one if the students are connected with teacher, the teacher himself can make the students to connect with their peers, with his subject, with their enviroment...the teacher is the cradle of motivation, stimulation.. towards seeking knowledge.

Thank you so much for keeping reading aur blog!

Translator Task 8


Today you are  going to learn with us 5 new concepts abut the types of leadership, don't loose it!,Let's star the countdown:

5.Leadership :He is a person who make sure that a  system is working well.

4.participative leader: this type of leader have to motivate all the members to higher productivity.

3.Transactional leader:this leader has to join together the needs of the members and the goals of the organization(transaction between them),in order to keep the organization well.

2.Transformational leader:where the leader takes into account the interests and the needs of all the members of the whole the system, so the leader has to guide the whole system.

1.Authoritarian leader: the leader fixes the rules fro the whole system and he is the one who have the authority and control over the system.

Star Task 8

Hello!!! I'm the star of this week.

We have prepared elections for principals of the school. I am the candidate from The Juncharees, what only means that I'm the face of the group. On my candidacy, we suggest lots of improvements and ideas to achieve a better school, better marks, healthier students, no bullying and social integration for everyone.

We prepared some ballons and some pennants and... It was the time... I stood up in front of my classmates and I explain them all our programme for a better school. I was very nervous so I couldn't speak very fluent but I hope everyone understood our programme.

We chose a transformational ledership as from our point of view is the best option. There is no bad option but depending on what you want to achieve you have to abide one or another.

Curator Task 8

Hi! This week i'm the curator and i'm going to show yo some pages and websites that we have used to do the task of this week. The task of this week has been about the candidature of a director and it has exposed to all the class the reasons to become a director and the type of leadership. Now I show you the links from where we have used the information.

Facilitator Task 8

Hi, are you interested in how we organize ourselves this week?
To start with, we decided to read the leadership documents and we devided the objectives of the electoral program among the group.After reading the leadership document we have chosen the transformational one, we thought that it was the most suitable one.

Afterwards, we upload our parts to umubox, then Elena had to join them together  and to prepare the discourse.

see you!

Journalist Task 8

Hii,guess what !

The journalist of this week had prepared for you a comic, i hope you enjoy it!

Analyst Task 8

Hello everyone! I'm Juan Fran and this week I have been the ansalyst of the group. In this post we are going to talk about the role of the analyst of this week.
Before starting, we have to say that the work of this week have consisted of prepare a discourse to become into the director of a school, explainning the beliefs and the reasons because of the director want this "position".
We have developt this activity in a different way: firstly we decided what would be the leadership that the director would represent, and we spoke about the different and we selected the best. Right after, we divided the roles and we started to prepare the discourse. We decided that we should prepare some balloons to represent our director (Elena). 
The best part of the work was when we had to prepare the activities that the director would spoke about after. 
By other side, the worst part was when we had to put in common the type of leadership of our director, because some of us prefered one, and some others another. But finally we decided to put in common with one leadership style. 
Finally, I have to say that we have learned about the different leadership that exist and can be applicable to schools, but not just these. We also learned to cooperate more in group, for example when we had to choose the type of leadership, that finnaly we all put in common. Another example of cooperation would be the developt of activites that our director presented last day. 
In conclusion, we, as teachers, will choose one type of leadership, but we will have to adopt it to the environment at that moment. 

Facilitator Task 7

Hii, i am the facilitator of this week but this week is not the same as the previous weeks.It is an organization completely different,which is integrated by:
-director team:they organized the whole classroom in order to fulfill our activity in a proper way.
-the writers:they wrote the script of the program.
-the actors:they had to act what the writers had prepared.
-And the rest was in charged of the decoration and the edition of the video.

Analyst Task 7

Hello everyone! I'm Sofía and I am the analyst of this week.

This task consisted in making a video simulating a popular TV program, our program was called "The diary of Leona". I had fun doing that video because it was a very funny and entertaining. It was the best thing of this task, because it was a different work, funnier than the previous ones, because we had to interactuate together. The task 6 was similar than this, because it also consisted in making another video, but that video was more serious than this. The recording day was the best moment of the week, because it was so so funny and then we had the opportnity to act in order to demonstrated our learnings. On the other hand, the previous monday we had to organised all the work to do on wednesday, and, for me, it was the worst moment of the week, because it was a bit stressful. However, we had to do that video in a specific period of time, so we had to be very organized in order to finished all on time.
A part from that, I love doing that activity because I had a really great time, I had fun and I laught a lot with my partners. Also, this activity help us to interactuate each other and improve social connections.


Journalist Task 7

Hi group!! This week i'm going to be the journalist of the group. Im going to explain the activity of the week. As all mondays, the teacher explained the task for this week and we started to work. We had to record a TV programme, which the starts were the "director" of the scenes. Among all the directors of the class, divided the work and started to record different TV programmes. I can only talk about the programme where I stayed but i'm going to put here the link of the video to show you the great activities that all the class did.

Curator Task 7

Hi everyone! I'm Juan Fran and this week I'm in charge of the curator work. In this activity we have done a video, as the last week, se we haven't used any website because all the work was done by the class work.

Star Task 7

Hello, welcome to the star post again.well, i want to share with you my experience this week as a theater director(it is supposed).Before this great week  i had no idea about whats going on:diario de patricia,planos,edition of videos.. thanks to God least during this week i learnt an idea about this staff.

Believe me that it was my first time i feel myself so useless, Of course i was present there and i saw my classmate's great performance they did, They were perfect(above all the scene when a school invited a teacher because the kids they miss him a lot).How i could contribute to that work?
to be honest my classmates still they are my models, i really want to be useful in a complex system(the video recording), someday like them.I really have to congratulate you, yes all of you(my classmates), you did a great job!

Rajae Aguili

Translator Task 7

Hi everyone! Here you can see the concepts that we have selected to develop. 
1) Script: This is one of the most important parts of a program, or a TV show, or whatever will happen. It’s, basically, what people talks about, and it delimit if it’s a program of notices, or “nose around” etc. 
2) TelePrompTer: it’s a very useful application were you can introduce the text and the host can read at the same time he/she is speaking to the camera, which is recording. This application is very common in TV shows where the host has to talk a lot. We have used it in order to record our work. 
3) Stage management: the person, or the people that coordinate and organizes a theatrical production. Is one of the most important person of the representation despite he/she appears, because it’s the person who is in charge of communicate actors with directors, organize, etc. 
4) Chroma: is something like a special effect that consist in change one cinematographically part where appears a color and it’s changed for an image, and vice versa.  
5) Teacher-student connection: is a term that is very wide in order to explain it, but we decided to spoke about it because we consider is a very important process in teaching and learning process. If there is a bad connection, students won’t have too much motivation, and their behavior won’t be the best. Nevertheless, if there exist a good connection among teacher and students (respect, confidence, equality …) children will see that their thoughts are important too and they will have a motivation to participate in class, to go to the school, etc. 


Curator Task 6

This are our references on this task. We had to choose 6 news according to and essay of Starkey, L

"La LOMCE desafina: Música deja de ser obligatoria y ... -" 2015. 9 May. 2016 <>

"Calidad educativa en Colombia del 2015 - Educación - ELTIEMPO.COM." 2016. 9 May. 2016 <>

"Suben por primera vez en 13 años los alumnos de religión en centros públicos - 12 Abr. 2016

"This Teacher Just Won $1 Million For Being ... - Huffington Post." 2016. 9 May. 2016 <>

"El importante salto de las TIC 2.0 - Educación - Diario Córdoba." 2016. 9 May. 2016 <>

"La comunidad musulmana exige que se impartan clases ... -" 2016. 9 May. 2016 <>

This is the video we made with a compilation of news.

Complexity in schools

Facilitator Task 6

Hi! I am Ania and in the sixth task I will be the facilitator.
Firstly I will explain how we have organized and done ourselves this task:
Once the teacher had explained what we had to do, we distributed the roles and started to wonder what could be complexity... After having read and understood the teacher’s resources about this topic we started working on the task.

At the beginning of working I must say that we had some problems, because the most of the group couldn’t find so easily any new related to his/her part, and others didn’t understand well what it was the objective of the first part of the task, that it was create an imaginary story related to our part.
But finally we all could arrange it and we think that the final result has been unsurpassable!

Thank you for reading, have a nice day!

Translator Task 5

Hello, I am Ania and I will be the translator from the task 5. In this task we had to summarize everything we have learnt in the last weeks and make a set of them and show it in a video.  I will explain the most relevant concepts we have learnt in each task:

Task 1: TPACK
TPACK: this is the acronym of: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. This concept englobes all the relevant things education needs to obtain an effective teaching, learning and education. Deepening in this concept there are some concrete parts such as: TCK: is the combination of the technologies and knowledge to be used to access and process subject’s contents. TPK: is the possibility to use ICT to improve learning and it combines with PCK, the pedagogical content knowledge.

Task 2: Map projections, treasure hunt and media distortion.
Map projection: this is the representation of latitudes and longitudes of locations on a surface of a sphere or an ellipsoid on a plane. Map projections are necessary for creating maps, but maps projections distort the surface always. There are three famous map projections: Robinson’s map projections; Mercator’s map projection; and Azimuthal’s map projection.
Media distortion: media collect information and have to edit it. Many times in the process of edition the information is manipulated in order to follow the interest of the media, a relevant person o relevant group of the society.

Task 3: Creative Common Licenses and presentations.
Creative Common Licenses: is a non-profit organization which helps people to amplify the available creative works they want to develop in a legal way. These licenses allow creators to establish which right they reserves, and which ones they renounce so other people can benefit from it. Creative Common Licenses don’t replace copyright, but it is based on it.

Task 4: The dark side of text books.
Textbooks: textbooks are the specific books for teachers and students because they contain information about subjects.

Thank you for reading! Hope it has helped you!

Translator Task 6

hello, I am the translator of this week and i will introduce you some important and useful concepts for a school context:

1.Complexity theory:this theory explains the complexity of school due to the connection between diverse elements which have an agency

2.Redundancy: means "not necessary", referers to the element which become not necessary(redundant) along time.For example: technology nowadays make the books redundant, are not useful as years ago...

3.Agency:  the power of having an influence or an impact on the other elements.

4.Randomness:consist of innovations, ideas or events which pressure a system to change.

5.Deterministic order:consist of organisational processes, structure and kowledge which pressure a system to remain the same.

see you again!

Rajae Aguili

Analyst Task 6

TASK 6. Analyst
Analyst: during this two weeks we have done a new activity that has good and bad parts. From our point of view, there were some difficult part that we called it bad parts because it was very difficult for us to associate one fact with one notice, that it was exactly. The other good part was that we had to create something like a history that this week we represented on a video that we did. The whole class participated in this activity.
In conclusion, like every work, the best part is when we have to take the cameras and record, and the worst one is when we have to start organizing, it’s like that nobody is the boss, but with some calm and cooperation we do any activity.

Also, we have learned to cooperate more in group, in this chase in the whole group of the class.


Journalist Task 6

Hi everyone! This weeks (the last one and this one) we are doing different activities that are enjoying us to much! This week we are going to make a tv show where all the class is participating in different groups. This week the role of the start is different; they are the director of each scene for the TV show, and then we will put all together. The directors took the people they wanted to make the scenes, and they create a dialogue to do this work. Now, you can see one picture of the whole group of the class preparing the work we have done.


Star Task 6

Hi! In this task I was the star and my role was to be an editor of the program.

This work was so different than all of the previous ones, because we had to do a video simulating the news that are in television. Also, we had to do this work all the class together, not by groups, so we had to interactuate and work with our classmates. 
My role as the editor consisted in organized the news in general, the different parts that it had and the tasks that the rest of people had to do: the group of actors, the designers, the extras.... 
In my case, I had to organized the 3th new, with the help of two partners. We plan an interview between a journalist and the principal of an school to do it the recording day. 
It was so funny that experience because I felt like if I work on the news. I know that, the real job, is an important job and a serius one, and I have no doubt that this type of job is so diffucult, but, for a moment, I dare to compare it to me in that experience ;)


Facilitator Task 5

Hello, everyone! guess what! I am the facilitator this time, in other words I am the boss. I am very happy this week because I was not alone, I had my group of course, without them I could not do anything.
The fact that I am the facilitator I tried to divide the work, to organize it...but I had difficulties to cope with the virtual life such as editing the video we had to present this week.

It does not matter if I am a little bit clumsy in technology, you know why? honestly because I am thankful to have someone expert in the technology skills as Elena, I hope one day I learn from her.
also Juan he could not be with us while we were editing the video but he did all his efforts in answering us through WhatsApp when we asked him about anything. Finally, how I could forget our big artist, Sofía who always take care of the work to be done at time and Annia, besides she is always very busy, she shows interest and worry about the work of the group. Well as you already know, I am nothing alone, but I am something when I take part of something bigger than me.

By the way, this week we miss a member from our group, unfortunately we do not know anything about her, anyway we which for her the best.

Thank you so much for sharing with me my experience this week, do not loose the next experience!

Rajae Aguili

Journalist Task 5

hello, I am Rajae Aguili Aguili, the journalist of this have here the video.

i hope you enjoy it.

Analyst Task 5

Hi! I'm the analyst of the task in which we had to summarise the lasts weeks. 

In the activity, I think that the best part we did was how we explained it. We did a video and in it we explained all of the things that we did before. That explanation was by recording our voice, what facilitated that everyone could understand better our work. However, our video hasn't got so much pictures to help the voice explanation and, from my point of view, it was the worse thing of the work. Anyway, we passed a very great time when we met togheter to do the work, because it was funny for us to make that video and also we could remind all things that we leart during the previous weeks. Nevertheless every good thing has its bad one and, in this case, all the members of my group and me had a very bad time after the presentation of the video to our classmates when they had to evaluate us. It was very sad the fact that hardly ever group evaluate us with the worse mark. We worked hard to do that video and, in spite of that, we were in the last position. Apart from that, this work has helped us to raise awareness of what we have learned in the subject, and to assess these contents and their implementation throughout our degree. 

Sofía Villa 

Star Task 5

Hii! I am the star of this week, i did not do anything big but we could say that i played the video of my group to the whole classroom apart from greeting my classmates and the professor.And of course, the fact that i had not much work to do as the rest of my group I tried to help them in preparing the video.

see the next week, do not loose it!

Curator Task 5


I'm going to post the references we used for doing task 5.

We made a little video with POWTOON: PowToon

We edited the video in Sony Vegas: Sony Vegas

We upload the video to YouTube: YouTube

Link to the video:

The other resources we used to make this task were our previous tasks. You can find some of them in the blog.


Facilitator Task 5

Hello! In this task I am the facilitator.

Our group is having a lot of problems because a member of the group never came and we are always hanging on she. As we are a group, this situation was affecting us so we took the iniciative of kicking out this person. Now it is difficult to distribute the roles because is 6 roles for 5 people, and the facilitator has to choose a person for doing two roles.

As the facilitator, I had the duty to step up my group and try that things go better from now to the end of the course because our group is not doing the best "performance" in this subject because of a lot of problems.

Breath in, breath out, and it's time to change the spirit of the group. I am sure we can make things better :D

Curator Task 4

Resources used:



Researching the Ideological and Political Role of the History Textbook - Issues and Methods
- Carta a los editores de libros de texto
- Lecturas sobre libros de texto 

Creative Commons License-Creative Commons Kiwi:

Sofía Villa 

Translator Task 4

Hi! This is Ania, and I will be the translator of this task. Hope it will be helpful for you and you enjoy it!!

Textbook: textbooks are those books used as a help or guide by teachers when they teach, and used by students when they study any subject. In this textbooks are collected the contents of the subjects. More concretely a textbook is a set of written pages.

Textbooks publishers: this consists on the production and transmission of books, and in this case, of textbooks. It also consists on the check of the entire book looking after mistakes, printing problems and translation mistakes, and its correction.

Textbook analysis: it consists on the organization and inspection of the textbooks of a determinate education section, or just a determinate textbook.

ICT (information and communication technology): this is the set of developed technologies such as: mobile phones, televisions, internet, radio, computers... that are used to communicate and send and receive information. ICTs are often classified in specific contexts such as: education, health and libraries.

Ideology: is the body of a doctrine, belief, it can refer to any political, social group, religion... Ideology guide people, it can be individually, or by social movements, by institution, by classes, or by a large group. Ideology refers to the system of an abstract meaning applied to public matters. Very often this terms is refer to political beliefs or a set of ideas that characterize a particular culture.

Facilitator Task 3

Hello! I am the facilitator of this task.

First of all, what I did as the facilitator was to organise what we had to do. We met a day after classes to decide about what topic we were going to do the job. Once we decided it, we started doing the power point presentation. I divided the work in different parts and I distribute them between my group partners and me. Before that distribution, I asked them if they were comfortable working in the correspondent part because I didn't want them to feel uncomfortable. Once they gave me their approval, we started working. Our theme was about teaching the dimensions in a creative way, that is, doing geometric figures in 2D and 3D with sweets and chopsticks. It was so funny to do it because, while we did it, we ate some of them (personally I love sweets). But also my role as the facilitator was to prevent my partners from eating sweets! It was so so funny because we were acting like children at 5 or 6. Anyway, we had a great time doing that work because we could ate a part of it ;)

Sofía Villa 

Journalist Task 3

TASK 3. Journalist.
Hi everyone! This two weeks we have develop a different activity. It consisted in show and talk to the children about an item, but in this case, the teachers were free to expose to them in the way they wanted, so this activity has been very successfully because every group has understood something new about another one. In our chase, we decided to show the children the item about dimensions, where firstly we talked with them about the basic figures in two dimensions, such as a triangle, a square or a circle. We wanted that the children experiment with this activity so we decided to use some materials to make the class more attractive to them and become more active. We use some candies and also some toothpick and they had to create a figure, firstly a square and a triangle. We explained them why they have two dimensions. After that, we started to talk about three dimensions figures, and what were the differences with the two dimensions. Once we explained it, we aimed them to try to create a three dimension square, that it’s called a cube, and with the triangle, it’s called pyramid.
For the explanation of this activity there were two stars: Helena and Sofía.
We selected this way of learning in which children are very participative because we think it’s more funny and interesting to the children to participate and be part of the explanation of the class, not just been listening.

Here you can see one image of our group preparing the work. 

Facilitator Task 4

On this task I am the facilitator. I had to encourage my group to make the task.

We met on the faculty of philosophy and we spent a great time doing the job. I let my group to discuss about how books affect eduaction. Every opinion was great and also we learned some strategies very useful for our future as teachers.

We also drew some pictures while during the task beacuse I think it is a very inspirational way to get some new ideas.

We made and infographic with the disadvantages of the textbooks and I think we made a great job.

Journalist Task 4

Hi! I'm Sofía and I am the journalist of the work "The dark side of textbooks".

To do this work, we had to meet one day after classes, to put in common our different ideas and to finish joining all the information. Once all of us arrived at the prearranged site, we started doing a planning of what we had to do in that afternoon.

Then we got down to work, doing the work together, helping each other in what we need.

When the work was done, Juanfran, who was the star in this task, practice his role in front of us in order to not to feel so nervious in the moment of the real exposition to the rest of our classmates. Also, it helped him to memorise what he had to said, and, also, to feel less anxious. 

After doing that, the work was finished so to relax and have fun after an intense day of work, we take some photographs of us.

Do you remember the planning of the beggining? So, to finish we made some "small modifications". It was our new "planning"

Sofía Villa

Star Task 4

STAR WORK about dark side of text book.
It was a new experience for me because at first I was very worried because it was the first time I talked representing my group in this subject. But I really liked this experience due to the fact that the work that we did was very good and I think that it was a good presentation too. We made a different way to expose the work, we were divided in groups and we did some questions in order to have a different idea of the work and to share it with the all class.

Analyst Task 4


The teacher sais:-bla,bla,bla...           and the student repeats:-bla,bla,bla...
what are they trying to reproduce?simple, they are reproducing what is just written on textbooks,i am sure that this scene is familiar to everybody,isn't it?...

In this scene we can not find any affection, any relationship between the teacher and the students,as a result there is no comprehension of the content and of  course can not take part of the student.then there is no teaching neither why are  we bearing to be seated on our chairs? just for that, indeed it is a loss of energy and time.

the following question is how we could do in order to make possible an effective learning and teaching?

Giving authority to the teacher and students instead of textbooks, giving the teaching the human charachteristics:love, experience, emotions, hope..all those thinks are possible without textbooks.The content has to move from heart to heart and not from books to people(heart).the textbook can not teach as well as the teacher:the teacher has a heart but the textbook has not.

 Apart from that, it is necessary to provide the children the web2.0 tools in order to develop their creativity, who could be also the creator of content and afterwards sharing it with others on internet.
as this weekend we have explored the dark side of textbook we are going to let you with this logical problem so you try to find out, if it is true:

if textbooks are not:ideological, expensive,boring...then they are useful.

let's analyze it,

Answer:the first statement is false, then the second statement is too false.As a result the whole conditional is true.

Star Task 3

Hello, on this task we were two stars, Sofía and Elena. Elena was the main star and Sofía the second.

We explained the dimensions and we recreated figures with toothpicks and sweeties. We were very nervous, as always, because we had to interact with the audience.

We had to repeat the task som days later because it wasn't okay. The star continued being the same person. I wasn't as nervous as the first time and I think I spoke much more fluently than the first time. Also we chose one volunteer to make a square, and with the square, he had to make a cube.

Analyst Task 3

Hello everybody!
In this week we have done a work where we had to different parts. The first one consist in talk about a term, preferably something related with primary school education. The second part consisted in put in this presentation, that has been mentioned before, to know about the creative common licences are and how can be used by us.
In my opinion, this week we have experienced a new thing for us: the representation of a work for children by ourselves, without the help of textbooks, where we had to expose to the whole class an activity, but "thinking" that they were children in order to they understand the task.
Our task was about dimensions. Firstly we talked about the types of dimensions and introduced them the 2D type. After that, one they understood that, we explained the three dimensions and also the types, and how the figures changed from one to others.
One of the good things of this work that we can mark is that we had the freedom to select the term that we wanted and that we saw an interesting term for the children. We also enjoyed developing the activity and the presentation, learning different ways to teach that we didn't imagine before.
By other side, the bad thing were that we had to repeat the activity because we misunderstood the final intention of the task. Also we had some difficulties because one of our members didn't come and we had to divided her role in a improvise way.
In addition, we had some problems with the creative commons because we though that it was another thing to do, but it wasn't.
Finally we repeated it and we improved it (in a general way).

Translator Task 3

hi, you are with Rajae Aguili Aguili, the translator of this week.The 5 concepts we have learnt are the following ones:

-moebius strip: we could define it as a surface with one side and one is non orientable.
-0D:Its only perspective it is its own location,there is no lenght,no width...
-1D:it is a line sement called length wich connects two points.
-2D:An object is  two dimensional when it has length and width.
-3D:An object is three dimensional when it has length, width and depth.

Rajae Aguili

Star Task 3

In this task, apart from the curator, I had to be the star number two. 

About my experience as the star, as the previous one, I feel nervious at the beggining, but not as much as in the previous work that I also had to be the star. In this ocasion, what I had to do was to help my partner in the exposure of the work, so I felt less stressed and more calmed.

About the exposition, it was my partner who explained the theoretical content, and my role was to explained the practical one. For that, I made a square with four chopsticks and four sweets as the time I explained how I was building it. 

Sofía Villa

Curator Task 3

Resources Used:




Creative Commons License-Creative Commons Kiwi:

Sofía Villa

Journalist Task 2

Hello! I'm Sofía and for this task I was the journalist.

First of all, we had to meet a day all of us to put in common our ideas and to do the work. So we met a day at afternoon after classes to do the work.

Once we were met together, the first thing we did was making a plan to organise what we had to do in order to complete all of the work. Also, we divided the work into each other to do the different parts separately in order to save time.

After doing that, we started doing each one what we had to do. However, we were helping each other in what we need. Then, when we finished our parts, we put all of them in common, joining all the information. 

The stars of this task were Rajae and me. This is a "picture" of us doing the presentation in class on wednesday. 


Star Task 2

Hello, today i am going to share with you what i have learnt  this week as a star.
First of all, we had decided the two stars of this week would be  Elena and Sofia. Of course the fact of being a group means that all the members should be prepared as the presenter but you know...when we have a star it seems we give him all the responsability  appart of helping him with the preparation of the work.But now, it is time to learn from experience?

why am i telling you that?, because it is supposed the star was Elena, but due to her personal situation she could not come to the exposition, for that reason i had to improvise the presentation of Sofía.well, now i know that i have to be prepared as a star even if i am not.

Translator Task 2

In this publication I will explain the most important terms about the topic: map projections.

Map: a map represents something simbolically from what is it and its relation with the reality. For example: a world map.

Map projections: map projections is a method used to represent world’s surface on a plan.

Robinson map projection: this is a map projection made by Arthur H. Robinson. It shows the entire worl on a plan.

Mercator map projection: is a kind of map projection with a cylindrical shape, created by Gerardus Mercator. This one doesn’t conserve the relation between the different latitudes.

Azimuthal map projection: the main characteristic of this map projection is that all the points of the map match properly with the centre point of the plan of the world and it shows all lines of longitud as straight.

Here are the resources on which I have recollected the information:

Ania Norell

Facilitator Task 2

Hi! I'm Sofía and I was the facilitator in the second task, that is, the "Treasure Hunt: cartographic projections".
First of all, what I did as the facilitator was to organise the work that all of us had to do. For that, once I understood the different parts in which was composed the task, I divided it among us, so each one did their assigned work at home. The work had the following distribution: Celia as journalist, Elena as curator, Ania as translator, Juanfran as analist and Rajae as star. Because of the fact that in this job had to have two stars and our group was composed only by six people, one of us had to do two roles, so I decided to do that extra role. 
Doing the work in this way, we safe time because it was all prepared at the time to get toghether and, at that moment, we only have to put the assignments in common and to correct each other ours mistakes.
Then, when every one of my partners did their respective assignment, I suggest them a day to meet all in order to put in common the different parts and to finish the final presentation. So, finally, we met one day and we finished the job.
Working as the facilitator, I felt a bit stressed, because I felt that the responsability fell on me, because it was me who had to organize the work to be well prepared, correctly and ready on time. However, it was a great experience for me, because it helped me to learn how to lead a teem of pears, to organize and plan the work, and to be responsible for the consequences of my actions may have.

Sofía Villa

Star Task 2

Hii! I am the star of this week, RAJAE AGUILI AGUILI.This I had to present my group's work about map projections: Robinson, Azimuthal, and Mercator, comparison between the two countries and treasure hunt.

I know that i were not at the height of my expectations, i had many mistakes:first the prezi did not show the text properly, and i did not do the comparison of the two countries in the three map projections. But i am happy with my mistakes because if i correct them i will be nearer to my goal, thanks to God, it would be a problem if i did not know which are my mistakes .well, i promess you to do it better the next time! so do not miss the next presentation.

Curator Task 2

The resources we used for this task are the following:


Google imágenes:

Analyst Task 2

hello! I am Juan, the analyst of this week, here you have the reflection.

Analyst Reflection.

On the one hand, It's necessary to point out that this week has been "strange" for our group because we are a group composed of few members and it's very difficult for us to work, and also this week the half of the group didn't come to class, but we have to change in someway to improve and to get better marks. I think that the best part of the work of this week is the fact   that there are several ways to interpret the world map, and not as we thought.

On the other hand, we think that the worst part of the group was the last part of this work,  we had a lot of difficulties to find information in order to complete the work, but finally we did it.
Moreover, the best part of the week was the day when we did the oral exposition, as well, maybe it could be the worst, but we have deciced that it was the best because we have shown to our classmates the work that we have done. Besides that, the worst part was  to put all the things in order and  to rewrite the work at time because we had several problems in order to expose it.

Now, once that the work is done, we have learnt that there are more than one way to represent a map and that each one has a particular approach, and we think that it has been also good for us that there are more ways to do one work, not just one as we thought before doing it.

We think that there are two words that summarizes what  we have to do, and they are work and effort(our slogan),   and it's necessary for us (as group and as individuals) to have this words in mind with the objective to improve constantly.
Some things that we have to bear in mind and to put into practice are to work hard and the communication between all the members of the group, we consider that is very important to get a good relationship inside the group becaue it could be better for work hard and better.

We consider that all contents are important, and they are related with our degree because it will be useful in a future when we'll become a teacher and we will have to teach  children and not  teaching them in a wrong way of course, so we think it's crucial.
Finnaly, answering  the last question, we think that this content is crucial in news for example, to show an event that has happened in a country.

Juan Francisco Hernández

What we see is what it is?

Here is our project about media and distortion.

Hope you like it ;)

Star Task 1

hii! I am Ania I'll share with you my experience as a star this week.

Experience as star

My experience as being the star of my group this week was satisfying, dispite  at the beginning of the presentation I felt a bit nervous and stressed as I had to expose in front of several groups a considerable quantity of information about a theme. Nevertheless I felt very satisfied when I realised that I was doing in some way something related with my future job, teach about something.

Content explanation

The subject matter of the exposition was about TPACK. Tpack is a teaching model that fuses the techonological, pedagogical and content knowledge, this combination has as a goal to make an effective teaching. Combining these, it creates different way of teaching.

Ania Norell 

Curator Task 1


-Posada, F. el modelo TPACK. Message posted to:

-Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge? Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher
Education, 9(1), 60-70. Retrieved from:

-Kimmons, R. (2011). TPACK in 3 minutes [video file] retrieved from

-Castañeda, L. [Linda Castañeda]. (2014, December, 31st) TPACK Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Retrieved from:

-Concept maps (n.d.) Retrieved from :

Celia Cordero

Analyst Task 1

Amazing! what a great trip we had!
All people were on their seats, all people were calm except the stars were nervous about the performance, their minds were rehearsing all the time(how am i going to explain tpack? Like this, no, like that), but the teacher did not came. Ones were hoping to get rid of presenting their work and others were frustrated thinking they want show what they have prepared.

Suddenly one voice shouted ”guys, the teacher said that we have to put the tables in the center, she is coming” Afterward Linda Castañeda appeared gain, we all were scared what else it is waiting for us.

Hopefully, the great trip began. By the way before the trip all people of our group had an idea of what tpack is:a framework, it is made up of pedagogy, technology, content connected somehow. But in the trip, we listened to what is tpack many times without stopping(was really tiring), again and again... but in different ways.

Even though we had no rest and we run off of water, we forgot our needs and we start to think about subjects that are related to tpack: are we going to use tpack one day? How society would be if we apply tpack?

Supposing this educational model is going to bring some fruits to this current society, the question would be, is it possible nowadays?
In order to answer this question we have to take into account educational cuts that unable us to make use of technology in the classrooms , adding to that the instability of technology, the speed of his development it overcomes our power in some way... as we know according to the educational model(tpack) technology it affects content as well as pedagogy. In BBC news it was published that 90% of data has been generated due to the development of technology. It seems perfect, but how are we going to analyze such a huge data?, it is really a big challenge is waiting for us.

It is essential to highlight the importance of pedagogy and his development due to many factors. Something we found in our surroundings that gives us more information about pedagogical methods such as the conference of U.M about how to behave with talented children.Without forgetting the multiple intelligences we learnt in educational psychology.

Diing, doong! Well we had not the bell but the lesson had finished, we were tired and same time recovering from the long trip. It is unbelievable how we could travel in the same classroom(2.21)

Rajae Aguili

Journalist Task 1

Hi! We are The Juncherees.

Once formed the group, our first task was to find a name to the group. For that, we though what name would represented us and finally we decided that the best option was to invent a name formed by the first letter of each of our names. The result was our actual name "The Juncharees".

Secondly, our next mission consisted in making a pet related with us. Our pet is called "Mister W.E" (it means Work and Effort) and it is a balloon, but it is not a simple pet, it is a logo, is something creative: it represents our mision in the Earth, because our mision is to give form and live to everything that is around us.

It is our pet, Mister We. However, while we were doing our next job, Mister W.E "got older". 

                        This is its new look.

Then we had to do a poster explaining what is the TPACK. For doing it, we divided the work between us and we did our correspondent part. Once finished all of that, we met together one day after classes (at afternoon) to do the final poster including all the information that we had collected and searched before meeting. 

The exposure of this work was the last wednesday when Ania, the star, had to expose and explain. 
Here is a photo of Ania doing the presentation and explaining it to a goup of classemates. 

Here is a photo of us with the poster that we took after the presentation. 

Sofía Villa