martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Journalist Task 1

Hi! We are The Juncherees.

Once formed the group, our first task was to find a name to the group. For that, we though what name would represented us and finally we decided that the best option was to invent a name formed by the first letter of each of our names. The result was our actual name "The Juncharees".

Secondly, our next mission consisted in making a pet related with us. Our pet is called "Mister W.E" (it means Work and Effort) and it is a balloon, but it is not a simple pet, it is a logo, is something creative: it represents our mision in the Earth, because our mision is to give form and live to everything that is around us.

It is our pet, Mister We. However, while we were doing our next job, Mister W.E "got older". 

                        This is its new look.

Then we had to do a poster explaining what is the TPACK. For doing it, we divided the work between us and we did our correspondent part. Once finished all of that, we met together one day after classes (at afternoon) to do the final poster including all the information that we had collected and searched before meeting. 

The exposure of this work was the last wednesday when Ania, the star, had to expose and explain. 
Here is a photo of Ania doing the presentation and explaining it to a goup of classemates. 

Here is a photo of us with the poster that we took after the presentation. 

Sofía Villa

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