This is Ania and I will be facilitator of this last task.
During all these weeks we have learned and lot both of knowledge, organization between the members of the group and the activities. In this task it wasn’t less, and even it was much more, we had to remember the knowledge learnt at the complexity theory and relationships task and put it in practice, linking all the concepts and explaining what these were about during the Speed Learning.
In this last week of working on tasks, we started as all Mondays we received the explanation of the activity from the teacher, and distribute the roles. Next day we met all the members of the group and rent a cabin, and then we started working on the activity.
At the beginning of working on the activity we were a bit confused because we didn’t know very well how to relation the concepts. But after remembering the main terms of the concepts we realised that each concept was related with each other and moreover with the school, then we could start creating the connections, and also adding the most relevant concepts we have read and understood from the documents:
Bolívar Botía, A. (2001). Los centros educativos como organizaciones que aprenden: una mirada crítica. Contexto educativo: Revista Digital de Educación y nuevas tecnologías. Año III. Núm, 18.
González, M. T. G. (2003). Estructuras para el trabajo y la coordinación de los profesores en los centros. En Gonzalez, M.T., Portela, A. & Nieto, J.M. (Coords.) Organización y gestión de centros escolares: dimensiones y procesos (pp. 57-74). Pearson Educación.
Once we had everything clear and settled in a draft copy, we created the connection map, and after practising the exposition my classmate Juanfran and I we were prepared for the next exposition.
On Wednesday we felt confident and not too nervous as at the beginning of being stars, we enjoyed it as doing it together we felt it was more flexible.
Finally I would like to say on behalf of all that we have enjoyed doing the activities, as they have been really dynamic, entertained and efficient, and we also think that this new and refreshing method we have never seen before and set in practice it is really useful to learn and enjoy learning, and we would like to put it in practice some day when we became real teachers!
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