martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Analyst Task 9

Hi everyone! I'm Sofía and I'm the analyst of this task.

This task consisted on doing a poster with a connection map, which explained the connection between schools that learn. For me, it was the most diffucult task because, in spite of being the texts in spanish, it was so difficult for me to understand them. I really found it very difficult, and it take me a lot of time to summarise all the information. My partners, also, thought the same as me, and they confirm that it was a diffucult work. The worst moment of this work was when we had to read all the documents with the purpose of obtaining information to do the mind map. It was so so hard for us, we have to read each one almost twice and it was so tired to do that. Anyway, when at least we summarized the documents and we had the information to do the work, it was not as difficult to do the poster.

Curator Task 9

Hii! I am the curator of this week and you have here the popplet with all our links of our ressources we used.I hope it would be useful!
click here!

Star Task 9

TASK 9: STARS WORK (star 1 & star 2 together)
Star 1: Juan Fran
Well, this has been the last work of the subject, and we have represented it like the first time; the eight groups put their posters in the wall of the class, with all the chairs and tables in the middle of the class, and the stars (in this task were two, Ania and Juan Fran) were explaining the work to each group that were changing each 5 minutes of explanation of the group before. 
The good thing of this work has been the cooperation of the work due to a brainstorming that made us to have a lot of confusions to put the information in common.
By other side, a bad thing could be that this work has been very difficult in order to put all the information in common, but finally, with work and effort, we have done a good task.
This has been a new experience for me (Juan Fran) due to I have been star in other work but this type of work has been new for me. By other side, Ania repeated the work because she was the star of task 1, but she also says that the experience of represent alone is completely different to work with other groupmate. Now we are going to show you the outline that we have followed to explain our work.
The instructions that the star 1 has followed are the next:
First, I have to say that I have used an outline, not a complete dialogue. A little summarazing:
At first, a little presentation about the group and the work.
Secondly, the main center of all this work, the school. I talked about the two different perspectives from Maria Teresa & Antonio Bolívar.
After that, a concept that rounded the school, that was "emerging knowledge through connections". I explained the different parts that it had and the relationships among the school and this concept.
That was all of me, so Ania started with her part. 

Star 2: Ania’s part
Task: schools that learn.
Hi! This is Ania and I’m one of the two stars of this task.
In this task being the star for our group was a big opportunity to demonstrate our big evolution and so we did it, or at least we tried the best we could.
I must say that at the beginning of working on this task we were confused as it in the first quarter of hour we were wondering how the connections could be and how were we going to relation them. But after putting in common our ideas about the concepts everything started to go much easily. After it my classmate, the other star, Juanfran, and I started to practice the exposition and made sure that we had everything clear and set in order.
At the exposition day we started to share our ideas with other groups from the class, we all still confused as each group did it a bit subjective the connections and the map connection.
Juanfran and I weren’t that nervous and even if we had a little mistake we could correct it quickly and continue with our exposition. I think that with these activities and the roles of star we have all gained some more self-confidence.

As schools are part from the “emerging knowledge through connections”, they are also part from the “diversity & redundancy”, this is about the different ideas people can have about one concept, and the process of redundancy when new ideas appear and the older ones in some way “die”, an example would be the idea of TICS nowadays and the idea of it ten years ago. Schools also belong to the point of the “balancing randomness and deterministic order” this means that all the unexpected events affect everything and of course to schools and education too.

Everything it has a relationship and influence between each other, and all this consists the Context Complex System.

Journalist Task 9

Hiii, it's Elena from the Juncharees, the journalist of this week!

Task 9 was the last task in this course of School organization and educational resources. We knew we had to work very very very hard not only because it was the last task but also because it was nearly the most difficult. We spent two afternoons an one morning organizing our blog (because being honest, it is a disaster) and preparing this task.

We tried to do it the best. We discussed a lot about how make the mind map, how was the best way to link every purpose in each text... 

We also design a different mind map, not the typical with arrows. Although Linda didn't like it a lot because it hasn't all the information, our intention was to create a visual mind map.

Facilitator Task 9


This is Ania and I will be facilitator of this last task.
During all these weeks we have learned and lot both of knowledge, organization between the members of the group and the activities. In this task it wasn’t less, and even it was much more, we had to remember the knowledge learnt at the complexity theory and relationships task and put it in practice, linking all the concepts and explaining what these were about during the Speed Learning.
In this last week of working on tasks, we started as all Mondays we received the explanation of the activity from the teacher, and distribute the roles. Next day we met all the members of the group and rent a cabin, and then we started working on the activity.

At the beginning of working on the activity we were a bit confused because we didn’t know very well how to relation the concepts. But after remembering the main terms of the concepts we realised that each concept was related with each other and moreover with the school, then we could start creating the connections, and also adding the most relevant concepts we have read and understood from the documents:

Bolívar Botía, A. (2001). Los centros educativos como organizaciones que aprenden: una mirada crítica. Contexto educativo: Revista Digital de Educación y nuevas tecnologías. Año III. Núm, 18.

González, M. T. G. (2003). Estructuras para el trabajo y la coordinación de los profesores en los centros. En Gonzalez, M.T., Portela, A. & Nieto, J.M. (Coords.) Organización y gestión de centros escolares: dimensiones y procesos (pp. 57-74). Pearson Educación.

Once we had everything clear and settled in a draft copy, we created the connection map, and after practising the exposition my classmate Juanfran and I we were prepared for the next exposition.
On Wednesday we felt confident and not too nervous as at the beginning of being stars, we enjoyed it as doing it together we felt it was more flexible.

Finally I would like to say on behalf of all that we have enjoyed doing the activities, as they have been really dynamic, entertained and efficient, and we also think that this new and refreshing method we have never seen before and set in practice it is really useful to learn and enjoy learning, and we would like to put it in practice some day when we became real teachers!

And I would like to thank to my group for all the hard work, patience and commitment they have and have had with me. 

Translator Task 9

Are you prepared  to start the countdown of the learnt 5 concepts this week?
Great! I love your energy and interest you show towards this post,let's start:

5.Schools that learn: that's means that in schools not only the students learn but all the agents that are implicated in the school: teacher, directors,administrators, organizations,the ones who are responsible of creating a good enviroment on school... All of them learn from their experiences and from sharing with others in order to carry out innovative and creative projects which are efficient to improve the working of the whole school.

4.Horizotal organization: it is like how primary school is organized, where all the teachers work together in order to adapt the curricular content to students, they are organized by a cycle where the teachers can follow up the students.

3.Emerging knowledge through connections:I will explain you that according to my experience as a member of the juncharees group.From the first day till now i feel that i am more connected to my "group,classroom,teacher,my school,my family..." and at the same time i feel that i know more than the first day i come to class.So, it is just a coincidence? i don't think so, but i am pretty sure that the knowledge i adquired it comes through connections i had during those weeks.

2.Connection with peers:it is just an amazing concept!, i think that being connected to my peers it is crucial for us as social beings.As i said before is how knowledge emerges, but apart from that it gives a feeling that you are not only the one who had problems but all of humans have these difficult situation.when you get on well with your peers you feel that everything is possible together but not divided.

1.teacheR-Student connection: i think it is the most important one if the students are connected with teacher, the teacher himself can make the students to connect with their peers, with his subject, with their enviroment...the teacher is the cradle of motivation, stimulation.. towards seeking knowledge.

Thank you so much for keeping reading aur blog!

Translator Task 8


Today you are  going to learn with us 5 new concepts abut the types of leadership, don't loose it!,Let's star the countdown:

5.Leadership :He is a person who make sure that a  system is working well.

4.participative leader: this type of leader have to motivate all the members to higher productivity.

3.Transactional leader:this leader has to join together the needs of the members and the goals of the organization(transaction between them),in order to keep the organization well.

2.Transformational leader:where the leader takes into account the interests and the needs of all the members of the whole the system, so the leader has to guide the whole system.

1.Authoritarian leader: the leader fixes the rules fro the whole system and he is the one who have the authority and control over the system.